Lunch & Learn
February 23, 2005
Weblogs (blogs) offer an innovative way to create and publish content on the Web. Discover what a blog is, why you might want to read or create one, and why historians may well date the golden age of the blog from 2004-when's most searched-for definition was blog.
I'm Susan Herzog, Information Literacy Librarian @ Eastern Connecticut State University. This blog is part of my blogging presentations.
Nota Bene: This blog is NOT a comprehensive collection on academic blogs and bloggers. It will be used for two faculty development presentations at Eastern Connecticut State University. If you stumble across this blog and would like to suggest a link, please e-mail Susan Herzog.
University Blogs
Blogs: A Disruptive Technology Coming of Age?
Phillip D. Long. Syllabus Magazine, October 1, 2002.
Long, senior strategist for the Academic Computing Enterprise at MIT, examines the question: "To blog or not to blog, that is increasingly the question for those of us supporting our academic communities."
Dartblogs lets Dartmouth students, faculty, staff, and alumni create their own weblogs. from the Wellesley Alumnae Association
"We are looking for a few good women to help us test a new alumnae online community service built on a blog network. We see blogs as an ideal system for sharing all kinds of information - news, ideas and opinions, contacts, photos, music, book and film lists, recommendations for travel, restaurants, entertainment and more."
SchoolBlogs "was set up by Peter Ford, a former teacher at the British School of Amsterdam, and Adam Curry, ex MTV-vj and co-founder of the United Resources of Jamby. The aim is to make available the potential of weblogs to the educational world. To that end, anyone involved in education can create and maintain an individual SchoolBlog here free of charge. The process is simple, taking a matter of seconds to create an online writing space with its own 'look and feel'...SchoolBlogs are also a great collaborative tool. Working projects between schools across the globe can be provided with an online platform in a matter of seconds. SchoolBlogs can also produce discussion and information flows within an individual educational establishment, that are far more dynamic and effective than a traditional 'intranet'. Teachers and students are motivated to share information because they have ownership of it."
UThink: Blogs at the University Libraries
"UThink is available to the faculty, staff, and students of the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, and is intended to support teaching and learning, scholarly communication, and individual expression for the U of M community."
Weblogs At Harvard Law
Hosted by the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law for anyone with a email address: "We're studying weblogs and evangelizing them. We're excited about how this technology might be used in all the activities of the university, for faculty, administration, students, alumni, staff."
Scholars Who Blog
Directories of Academic Bloggers
Crooked Timber has a blogroll of academic blogs/bloggers by discipline (scroll down and look at the right hand side of the blog).
Professors Who Blog, maintained by Andrew R. Cline, Assistant Professor of Journalism, Southwest Missouri State University.